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Southwold Earthworks National Historical Site is one of our favourite places for a short walk. The site preserves the remains of a pre-contact village site of the Neutral people, who occupied the site about AD 1450 to 1550. It is also within an easy cycle from WTF and, on a beautiful August weekday, I took my bike and headed out.
One of the cool things about the area is that the Trans Canada Trail is routed along both roads I was cycling. Given all the rain we have this year, the fields of corn and soybean have been progressing ahead of schedule.

When I arrived at the Earthworks, I had it all to myself. If you are visiting for the first time, the various plaques throughout the site do a good job of explaining what you are seeing. With the grass recently cut, the double embankments of the settlement were very clear.
I pressed on to the little village on Iona, which was just a few kilometers further along the same road. There were still a few old buildings in the village but they looked like they have been mostly unused since the COVID-19 pandemic hit. On the other hand, there were several new houses under construction through the village, so perhaps a revival is in the future.
I turned back for home and made one last stop at the end of Iona Road to look out over Lake Erie: