I got out for another backroad cycle ride last week where I cycled out to Port Bruce and back. I cycled east along Roberts Line which was new to me and returned via Dexter Line. I was a little surprised with the steepness of the hills around Port Bruce; there is one coming into town on Jamestown Line that maxed out at 20%! I’ don’t think I’ve ever had to walk a hill here in Ontario before.
Like the last time, I used my GoPro to record my ride. I used my GoPro Karma Grip mounted on a GoPro Chesty to hold the Hero 5 Black. While cycling, I thought the Karma gimbel was moving a lot but the footage looked good. Here is the final video:
The settings I used to record the video were:
Camera: GoPro Hero 5 Black on a GoPro Karma Grip mounted on a GoPro Chesty
Mode: Video; 2.7 K, Wide, 30 fps
Color: GoPro Color
ISO Min: 400
ISO Max: 400
EV Comp: 0
Sharpness: Low
I also took the lead photograph with the GoPro. I imported it into Lightroom, tweaked the colour and removed the fisheye. The GoPro setting were:
Camera: GoPro Hero 5 Black
Mode: Photo, Wide, 12MP (RAW format)
Exposure: 1/2400 sec at f2.8
ISO: 100
EV Comp: 0
Sharpness: Low